Our Meeting for Worship starts at 10.30 am on a Sunday. If you come just before there should be someone at the door to welcome you. You will not be asked to do anything special but you will be invited to join the meeting.
We sit in a circle and settle into silence. At times someone may feel moved to speak of an experience or reading where they have found inspiration. Quakers do not have clergy, we are all equals, and anyone may speak if they feel their contribution will deepen and enrich the worship for everyone.
If you find an hour too long, feel free to leave when you have had enough.
After the meeting, there is time for coffee and a chat, and there is usually an opportunity to ask questions if you wish. Newcomers are very welcome, and are encouraged to find their own path and pace.
Our in person meetings are usually 'blended' with those who for whatever reason wish to join online. If you wish to join by Zoom, please contact us for the Zoom link.